TappedIn is my new favorite beer app. That’s saying a lot because I’ve tried many and found them lacking. Every app is trying to do the same few things: find, choose, rate or log your beers. Most aren’t that useful and quickly get deleted.

The big dog, Untappd, has set the bar very high. Although not perfect, it’s improving all the time. (Props to the Untappd developers for greatly improving their search technology in the last year.) Honestly, I don’t think anyone can outdo Untappd at this point. It’s following is huge and it’s hard to steal an entrenched, and mostly happy, user base. Plus, it’s a good app and works well at what it does.
TappedIn is brilliant in design and strategy. It is not trying to compete with Untappd, but supplements it. TappedIn uses Untappd APIs to analyze check-in data and build dynamic tap menus for your favorite beer establishments. There are other apps that let you see beer menus at a bar, but most have to be updated to stay current. That doesn’t always happen.
Currently, the app is only available for iOS devices. Check it out in the iTunes App store and follow the app on Facebook.