Getting Certified – Part 3 in my Journey to Advanced Cicerone®

I’ve taken a lot of exams in my life, but I was never more nervous than when I sat for the Certified Cicerone® exam on November 12, 2013. I had worked hard to learn the materials but woke up feeling rough, my allergies were in full effect. That was not a good sign. I got … Read more

Going for Level Two

In July of 2013, at the Beer Bloggers Conference in Boston, I met Ray Daniels for the first time. He is the founder of the Cicerone® program and was our speaker the next morning. Over beers during the Night of Many Bottles, I introduced myself and told him I was studying for the level two … Read more

The Day My (Beer) Life Changed

It’s cool when you can point to a day on the calendar and say “my life changed that day.” For me, that day was October 20, 2012. It was a crisp fall day at my neighborhood craft beer festival, the Tennessee Beer Festival in Donelson, TN. The massive oak trees on the lawn of Two … Read more

Need a Summertime Get Away?

Summer is here. Time to get away, take a vacation, relax and turn off the work email. What’s that? You’ve made no summer vacation plans and have no idea where to go? Let us make a suggestion… Milwaukee. If you love beer, you’ll love this city. Beer, and classic American V-Twin motorcycles, built the city. … Read more