The Advanced Cicerone Exam: Attempt 2.1

In the last post, I wrote about my second attempt at the Advanced Cicerone exam in Texas in October 2016. I had a couple of options after getting a 78 overall on my first attempt and choose to go to Dallas to retake the written only. In hindsight, I should have taken both the written/oral … Read more

The Advanced Cicerone Exam: Attempt 2.0

The thing about failing the Advanced Cicerone the first time is I at least knew what to expect the second, third and fourth time. With a 75 on tasting (the minimum passing tasting score) and 78 overall (two points short), I felt confident that I could do it. It was just a matter of time. … Read more

Going for Level Two

In July of 2013, at the Beer Bloggers Conference in Boston, I met Ray Daniels for the first time. He is the founder of the Cicerone® program and was our speaker the next morning. Over beers during the Night of Many Bottles, I introduced myself and told him I was studying for the level two … Read more

The Day My (Beer) Life Changed

It’s cool when you can point to a day on the calendar and say “my life changed that day.” For me, that day was October 20, 2012. It was a crisp fall day at my neighborhood craft beer festival, the Tennessee Beer Festival in Donelson, TN. The massive oak trees on the lawn of Two … Read more